Earlier today, Rob's professor asked the class why private school students do better than public school students. One student suggested that private school students must keep up with their grades, unlike public school students who only had to maintain a GPA that is way below average.
Let me continue the story by saying that we go to an university in Long Island (suburb). As a result, our student body is half-half between city kids and suburban kids. There is a very distinct difference between students who are from Long Island (the spoiled brats), and those who are from the city. So, in class, a city girl defended that it is extremely easy to get kicked out of public school. Other city girls agreed, citing ongoing examples of how students and friends were suspended from high school for crimes such as assault, weapons, etc. The non-city kids looked at each other, eyes wide, wondering if they were kidding or not.
I thought I have been to some ghetto-est part of New York City. That says a lot. I remember walking around with dozens of eyes on me in Jamaica. I remember a girl raped in my school district.
Boy, I was so wrong! A few months ago, someone broke Rob's window to steal his GPS. Today, one thing led to another, we got lost at an unfamiliar neighborhood while we were going to an auto shop to install his new GPS. After one right (or wrong) turn, I thought we weren't going to make it back in one piece. It definitely can't be described in words. We had to drive slowly because of the incredibly poor road condition - 3 feet deep puddles, 2 feet deep potholes, and rocks that spread across like sands at a beach. Every 5 feet we drove, there were 5 new strangers waving, looking in, tapping on our windows, persuading us to go to their auto shop. Never have I seen a street with endless auto shop, and ALL of the workers standing outside to recruit customers at once. Because of the amount of people and the conditions of the road, we couldn't make an U-turn until another hundreds of feet or so. We were so desperate to get out of there!
For me, the idea of having metal detectors in schools was normal. However, after meeting Rob, going to Japan, and staying mainly in Long Island, I have become to be so afraid of things. My silly honey makes me call him to make sure I am home, when he SEES me going in 40 feet away! He escorts me every where. So, I've become spoiled and sheltered. With that said, you can all imagine that I probably would have peed my pants if we were in that streets a minute longer.