Monday, January 16, 2006

New Year's Day

浅草 Asakusa

We arrived to Asakusa at around 4 pm. It was extremely crowded. We immediately entered the end of the line. While we were moving with the crowd, Rob found warm 甘酒. Other than that, we didn't have any festive, New Year food.

When we had finally arrived to the temple, coins were being thrown. We managed to get in front of the crowd, make our wishes, and throw our coins. I hope it's good luck, but I got hit with a coin.

We both got fortune telling papers; unfortunately, they were both merely "regular luck."

There were so much more to the night. Rob found the yummiest marinated fish.
It was like 大学祭, but grown up style.

Later that evening, we went to a random Japanese restaurant where we found the most reasonably priced sashimi. There were some that were gooey, but they were all fresh and satisfying. =)